Electric Guitars: Design And Invention

Electric Guitars: Design And Invention

Tony Bacon guitar book

Last Updated on September 18, 2017 by Andrew Culture

A lot of the content here on Making Music is either electronic or computer focussed, after all, that’s where we started well over a decade ago.  But we’re just as at home geeking out about real instruments, like guitars.  And I don’t just mean virtual guitars, but actual, real guitars.  In fact almost everyone who writes for Making Music is just as at home playing a guitar as they are twiddling knobs.

So when we see books like the new number by Tony Bacon they are always going to pique our interest.  In ‘Electric Guitars: Design And Invention’ author Tony Bacon gives us a bit of a history lesson and also ponders some of the bigger questions facing today’s guitarists.

The book features interviews with some of the guitar makers who have helped shaped the industry.  Tony also takes us on a journey through the development of the modern guitar.  Electric Guitars: Design And Invention isn’t just aimed at guitar geeks like us, it’s also written to appeal to luthiers (guitar builders) and designers.  Tony know his subject well; this is the latest in a long line of books about guitars.

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